Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Message of Thanks from CMAA Director Peter Davies (2010)

Dear NECMA Friends,

The dust has settled from all the excitement in San Diego and I would like to thank you all for your tremendous support of my election efforts. It is thrilling to have been elected to a three-year term as a national director and I am especially proud to have this opportunity to represent my Chapter at the national level.

It was just two years ago that I relocated to Cape Cod from Cincinnati and from the Ohio Valley Chapter to NECMA. When I arrived on the Cape I was very appreciative of the calls I received from NECMA managers welcoming me to the Chapter. At the time, I made the decision to focus on my new job and wait until my first season was over before becoming an active participant in NECMA. I must share with you that this was a poor decision and my advice to anyone relocating and transitioning to a new job is to get immediately involved in their CMAA Chapter!

I started attending Chapter meetings in September of my first year in New England and immediately felt more comfortable and confident as I started to interact with my new Chapter friends – a group that I quickly discovered to be wicked smart and willing to share their extensive knowledge of this wonderful corner of the United States.

Little did I know that a few months later I would be nominated by the CMAA Board of Directors to complete the second year of my fellow countryman and Chapter member Stephen Downes three-year term and be asking my new Chapter to support me in running for election for my own three-year term in 2010.

NECMA President Ric Shultz moved fast to put the wheels in motion and before I knew it a committee was formed and Peter Trombetta had generously agreed to contribute his considerable talents as campaign manager. I never felt more fortunate in my life.

I am so grateful to Ric Schultz for getting my campaign so quickly in place and to our 2010 President Barry Stacer for keeping it there. I was truly humbled and appreciative of the encouragement and support of the NECMA Board of Directors and NECMA Past President’s Council. Everyone deserves a special mention but I must give a special thanks to Paul Lazar for creating the campaign slogan "...still learning"… a simple phrase that captured my personal passion for CMAA so well. Drew Ford was the creative one who conceived the collegiate, bespectacled logo and I think just about everyone on the team pushed me into producing the YouTube clips!

It is impossible to express the depth of my gratitude to Peter Trombetta for pulling me into the 21st Century with a truly electronic campaign. Peter provided invaluable help with my Chapter visit schedule and was always available with the best advice and guidance whenever I asked for it! I hope he is not too dismayed that I am chairman of the Technology Committee this year! Thank you Peter!

This first part of the journey has been quite a thrill and it is now time for me to serve our wonderful association in the best way I possibly can. I look forward to hearing from you all and I hope you will always let me know whenever there is something I can do to help.

Thanks again and very best wishes,


Peter C. Davies, CCM
Wianno Club, Osterville, MA.

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